Welcome and thank you for visiting! 
We provide a welcoming space for your full-service yoga program, aka a holistic health approach. Holistic is defined as the "whole person", which 
takes into account our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. Whether you are new to the practice of yoga, or a seasoned yogi, we invite you to peak your curiosity and explore our friendly space we like to call "Home".    
   As an added benefit, Reflexology techniques are introduced into the yoga practice, helping to bring homeostasis into your healthy home.  Each class offers an opportunity to challenge the ego and release the mind chaos. As we practice letting go of societal stressors, judgments, demands, and any other mind madness; a sense of peace begins to grow. We may start to see lifestyle changes in our personal space ( our home). Health concerns such as obesity, anxiety, insomnia, muscle tension and other stress-related disorders begin to improve. 
   More doctors are now prescribing holistic modalities for improving our health and wellness. Ask your PCP if this might the right fit for you. 
Taking our yoga practice from a rote activity to a spiritual endeavor ignites our divine connection ~ our bliss ~ our Home.  Let your curiosity lead the way; plan a visit to harmonize your health from the inside out. We'll be sure to make you feel at Home! 
Wellness Blessings

Starts September 18th!


Offering a safe space to build your foundation, secure your anchor as you replenish your peaceful home! Namaste' ~tina

"Home is a place we all must find, child.
It's not just a place where you eat or sleep. Home is knowing. Knowing your mind, knowing your heart, knowing your courage. If we know ourselves, we're always home, anywhere." ~ Glinda the good witch.